Kunsmatige gras muurpanele: Hoë kwaliteit, Duursaam en wêreldwyd uitgevoer


Kunsmatige gras mure, ook bekend as groen mure of lewende mure, is 'n gewilde landskapsoplossing vir beide binne- en buiteruimtes. Hulle is gemaak van sintetiese turf en is ontwerp om die voorkoms en gevoel van natuurlike gras na te boots. Anders as regte plante, kunsmatige grasmure vereis minimale instandhouding en kan strawwe weerstoestande weerstaan. Hulle kan gebruik word vir 'n verskeidenheid toepassings soos muurversierings, klankhindernisse, en privaatheidskerms. Hulle kan ook gebruik word om 'n aantreklike fokuspunt in enige ruimte te skep, terwyl dit ook die voordele van natuurlike groen verskaf, soos verbeterde luggehalte en verminderde geraasbesoedeling.

Kontak ons ​​vir 'n gratis monster!

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Kategorie: Merk:


Kunsmatige gras muurpanele

Hoë kwaliteit, Duursaam en wêreldwyd uitgevoer

Produk vertoon

gras muur
Produk Naam
Kunsmatige plantmuur
Item nommer
Muur gemonteerde plante
60 * 40cm
PE / UV behandel
3-5 jare
Produksie tyd
25 – 35dae
Buitelug / Binneshuise


maatskappy inligting


Gereelde vrae

1.How do you ensure best price and quality?

To obtain the best price while ensuring high quality, please note that our prices are competitive and may vary based on the quantity of your order.

  1. In which regions have your products been successfully exported to?

Our products have been exported to various countries including North and South America, Europa, the Middle East, Australië, en Asië.

  1. What is the minimum order quantity required for your products?

Our minimum order quantity (MOQ) varies per item, with a standard range of 300-500 pieces.

4.What is the typical lead time for your products?

Our lead time is typically 35-50 dae, depending on our current production schedule.

5.Wat is jou nabye FOB-poort?

Our nearest FOB port is Shenzhen, Sjina.

6.Hoe om dit te vervoer?

We offer various delivery options such as sea, air, or express. The goods will be packed in standard cartons, as per your requirements.

7.Kan ek 'n monster gratis kry?

We do offer free samples, egter, the express fee for the samples will be the responsibility of the buyer.

8.Hoe kan ons kyk of die goedere goed is voordat dit gestuur word?

To ensure the quality of the goods before shipment, we will provide pictures for your review. We take full responsibility for ensuring all goods are in good condition before shipping. Daarbenewens, you may arrange for an inspection at our factory.


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